Sunday, September 11, 2011


I found a cute set of birds on Shutterstock designed by Yulia M.  Here is one of the birds.  Buzz-2-Stitches did a pretty decent job on this. 

One of the nice things about Buzz-2-Stitches is that it is a plug and go kind of software.  I load up the picture file and press a couple of buttons and out comes my embroidery design.  One of the problems with this is that it may miss some details.  On these pretty simple vector files, it does a pretty nice job.  However, one disappointing piece was that it did not change colors for the legs. It may be that I can change the color by selecting the different stitches; however, I haven't played with the software long enough to find out.  

If you would like to try stitching this, you can download the free embroidery design file here.  .hus is the only file type I have saved on this one.

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